
2020-02-18 11:26:35  编辑:xutingting



Notice of Ten Measures from Keqiao District on Coordinating the Prevention and Control of Epidemic and Resumption of Production


According to the results of the risk assessment of the coronavirus pneumonia epidemic in all counties (cities, districts) of the Zhejiang province, Keqiao District has become a low-risk area, and the District Coronavirus Pneumonia Joint Prevention and Control Headquarter has determined to promote the resumption of business and market and to restore smooth travel and normal city operations as soon as possible without loosening the epidemic prevention and control. The details are announced as follows:


1. Personnel in key epidemic areas (Hubei, Yueqing) can enter with either of these documents: certificate of the local authority (county or above), certificate of a 14-day quarantine from their town or street, or certificate from the Chamber of Commerce of Keqiao District. A 14-day quarantine is no longer required for personnel from non-key epidemic areas.


2. The controlled entry of the village and community will be gradually abolished, and permanent residents (including renters) can come and go freely, while the verification of identity and temperature continues for non-natives.


3. Non-natives who have a fixed residence in Keqiao (with a house lease contract) or a certificate of employment offered by Keqiao enterprises are treated as local residents. The "health code + white list" mechanism is implemented to facilitate the flow of people.


4. Companies’ main responsibilities for epidemic prevention and control and production safety should be consolidated. If a confirmed case of coronavirus pneumonia occurs in the company, a centralized 14-day quarantine will be implemented for close contacts while the company is allowed to proceed fault-correction of relevant personnel, and not to stop work.


5. A strict implementation is required for companies to measure the temperature of the employees in the morning and evening, and ensure the wearing of masks. The temperature of personnel entering the stations and docks are strictly monitored. Once a fever patient is found, he/she will be immediately isolated, reported and sent to the hospital for testing and treatment.


6. The frontline staff of all units such as medical and health institutions, stations, docks, etc., as well as staff who are in close contact with the service objects such as public transportation, shopping malls, restaurants, barber shops, etc., must strictly implement the protective system of wearing masks and other necessary protection. Citizens should wear masks in public places.


7. Large-scale festivals, events, meals and gatherings that are likely to cause cross-infection of people are strictly prohibited. The tourist attractions are opened to a controlled traffic.


8. The prevention and control of epidemic is strengthened in densely populated institutions such as nursing homes, the provision organization for people in dire poverty, rescue stations, and Tibetan ethnic middle schools.


9. Health management and environmental disinfection should be strictly implemented in hospitals, farmer's markets, catering units and other key places. All live poultry and wildlife trades will be resolutely cracked down.


10. The resumption of business and market should be ensured to progress smoothly, and warehousing, staff transfer, transportation, catering and accommodation should resume normal operation.



Keqiao District Coronavirus Pneumonia Joint Prevention and Control Leading Group

February 17, 2020


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